My garden is convinced

There have been snowdrops going strong in my garden since last weekend, when we got that gorgeous warm sunny weather. This weekend has been a bit of write off weather-wise, and according to tonight’s forecast next weekend will be too although all week is supposed to be beautiful (what is with that? Seriously Mother Nature,…


The weather this week has been off the hook. But do you think I’ve been able to enjoy any of it? Absolutely not. I’ve been chained to my desk at work due to some “emerging situations” – so much so that when I walked out into the sunshine for the first time since 8:15 a.m.,…

An uncanny likeness

This weekend I got to spend lots and lots of time with my nephew Magnus, who is growing like a weed! He’s 6 months old now and really got some personality. The Stratford Garden Festival was fun but it was WAY too busy. It was wall-to-wall people and that is just not enjoyable. It was…