Remembering Mr. Dressup

Several weeks ago at work I coordinated a little film shoot in collaboration with the CBC as part of their 75th anniversary celebrations, to bring together a group of artists at OCAD to remember the influence of the late, great Mr. Dressup (Ernie Coombs) on us all as kids. The spot turned out beautifully (and…

We love Madison!

A couple weeks ago our friends Cass and Liz and Chris and I all piled into our Jetta wagon and headed on an epic road trip to Madison Wisconsin. Why Madison you say? Well. Wisconsin only has some of the best craft beer in the world. And we had a plan to get our hands…

Introducing: Silverplate Press!

We’re mostly all finished with the wedding planning — in fact, I had pretty much everything figured out for it around the end of June. Now it’s simply a matter of booking everything, paying deposits, etc. It’s been going very smoothly and overall it’s been a pretty chill experience. One of the things I’m super…

A little something for me

Last week my iPad arrived. It’s taken me some time to get it set up and figure out what apps are good for what and what I want to put on it, but today I really put it to the test, taking it with me to the PSEWeb conference. I had to find an app…

Another backpack with owls, another sleepless morning

Here I sit, at 4 a.m., when all other reasonable people and creatures (at least in my household) are sawing logs (rather loudly). This has been an extraordinary week at the ol’ day job, and as a result of the insane number of balls in the air, my brain just can’t let go. Even though…

Hanging out with the owls

After a bit of a rough day yesterday, I sit here coming at you at 2:30 a.m. wide awake and yet sleep deprived. Have I mentioned before that I’m an occasional insomniac? The problem has improved since I started my treadmill routine last fall, and then added on the yoga once a week this year,…

What the boys were doing last week

So every year the boys go on a big ski trip. I don’t know how to downhill ski so I never get to go on these vacations. I should probably learn I guess! For this year’s trek, Chris and Cass decided to buy a pair of ski goggles with a camera built in. This was…

I want to go back

The Newfoundland & Labrador tourism people have recently released a new series of their award-winning, beautiful and powerful television ads, and every time I catch one of them I just ache for the place. Something about the Rock has totally captured my heart. I’ve never felt so strongly for a place, besides home. Anyway, this…

Turkey Parade

How I spent my Family Day weekend… These guys put on a show for my parents, who accompanied us at the cottage in Coboconk for the first time this Family Day Weekend. In fact, all the wildlife was out putting on a show — we had swans flying over, geese and ducks, and a pair…

Boston, we barely knew ye

It’s now long since we sang Auld Lang Syne at the stroke of midnight in Boston, but I’m comfortable in my position now as a negligent blogger, so here is a much delayed post about that trip. We opted to drive down since the flight prices were nutso and it’s a scenic drive. We were…