Roadside Chicken Marinade

So now that we’re working on trying to hire a contractor in preparation to do some renovation work on our new house, as well as getting ready to move, we’re pretty busy. Often lately we’re heading to work super early in the morning to make room in our day for site visits and other errands. I’ve…

Hot tamales!

Lately all my cooking has focused on big one-pot meals like soups and stews, chili and casseroles. On the weekends I’ve been making big batches of food to freeze for those insane work night evenings when I’m positively exhausted and if unprepared, I’ll just resort to ordering pizza. We’re trying to save some money, and…

Happy Dia De Los Muertos!

That’s right folks, its the Day of the Dead! Not An Artist and her fiance are gettin’ hitched today and I found the perfect little gift topper for them yesterday. I don’t know if they know much about Dia De Los Muertos or (the Mexican celebration of the Day of the Dead) but I still…

Going straight to my hips

The sixth season of Rick Bayless’s cooking show Mexico, One Plate at a Time was airing on PBS this summer and one of the episodes featured several different kinds of ice cream. One of the recipes was for Mexican Chocolate Chile Ice Cream (Helado de Chocolate y Chile Pasilla) and I was smitten. It looked…

For the love of tomatillos

It’s a rainy day in the neighbourhood and I’ve been up to some serious cooking. I made what may be my final batch of salsa for the year, although there are still a large number of tomatoes out on the vine trying to ripen so I may have to put those guys to use in…