So I’ve been MIA from the blogosphere yet again but for good reason. Firstly, I’ve been migrating to a new laptop which hast taken some time to get my Aperture library moved (and to learn Aperture 3, which has been completely overhauled from version 2), getting other software installed and bookmarks and address books ported over.
Also, well, I escaped from the city for most of the last 10 days. First I spent a fabulous weekend riding in the York Regional Forest (Newmarket area) with the good folks from the Ontario Trail Riders Association and Chesley Saddle Club. We had perfect weather, albeit a bit dry and dusty. Thanks to my buddy Leanne for once again loaning me a nag (King, her palomino and often my borrowed hayburner, is my hero — I can only dream of owning such a fabulous mount myself some day).
Then Chris and I packed up Luna, picked up a canoe we bought from Alice and Chris, and booted it up to Coboconk (Coby) to spend the week up there. It was a big week for Luna — she learned how to swim (being a Lab she pretty much took to the water like a fish), had her first boat ride, AND her first canoe ride. Chris and I had life jackets on tight expecting we might have to bail, but she did so great — a total pro. Didn’t even hesitate to jump in from the dock. She needs to learn to keep still and not wander around but the tipping didn’t seem to concern her at all. Unfortunately I think she’s already too big to go on any big backcountry tours (unless it was for a weekend in Killarny), as she doesn’t leave much room for luggage. But if she doesn’t get too much bigger she could still go along on toots around the lake at the cottage.

I had packed up my quilting project expecting this would be the perfect opportunity for finishing it off, but I ran into a snag when I got to the part that involved the actual quilting. My thread was breaking after quilting only about a half a yard at a time, and the nearest fabric/quilt store was more than an hour away. I did a little research and it appears that a.) I need to use a different needle specifically for quilting and b.) use thread specified for quilting. Who knew? Not me.
Anyway so there it is. Also, I need to finesse my free-motion technique. That is so much harder than it looks. Today I ran out and got some new thread and needles, and I hope to try this out again soon.

My other keep-me-busy project while lounging with a beer was SpillyJane Knit’s Carrot & Beet Mittens, or as I like to call them, my Garden Nerd mittens. Not exactly seasonal in the sense that they’re mitts, but seasonal in that they feature carrots and beets!

Speaking of gardening, since we came back to the city yesterday so we could attend the C’est What Spring Beer Festival, I spent today catching up on my planting. My raised beds got their tomatoes, peppers, chiles, a few more beets and some beans and peas today.
I was terribly negligent in transplanting my seedlings this spring — essentially they just stayed in their little paper pots until today. I even dispensed with hardening off. Hopefully the guys I planted out today handle the adjustment to full sun okay. I’ve just been too busy this year I think.
Of course I had way more seedlings than I have space for so I’ll be finding new homes for those. Those guys have been repotted into bigger digs to help them keep up with the season. I’m sure I won’t have any problem finding takers.
Finally I killed my back and knees weeding the back section of our backyard today. It was such a mess of overgrown violets and other weeds that had grown so big you couldn’t see the perennials I put back there last year. The only thing that didn’t survive the winter was the lupins. I’m planning to divide some hostas and bleeding hearts from another section of my garden to help fill things out back there. I’m determined to make that section look good, if it kills me. Hopefully I can get some mulch back there to help me keep up with things.
Anyway, some video of Luna swimming to come when I get it edited.
Ah! I may be a taker… we are hopefully getting a plot in a community garden nearby and would love to take advantage of any extra seedlings you have 🙂
ps: cottage life looks glorious! I need some too. Also that dog of yours is getting giant, I can’t believe I still haven’t met her in person!
Wow, great images. and I LOVE those mitts… the colors… they look good enough to eat.