One of our home reno projects this summer was to finally, finally paint our bedroom. We did that in May, and there’s still the odd little finishing touch to be done. A few weeks ago Chris got the trim on the windows finished and I painted it (we haven’t had trim on the bedroom windows since I’ve lived here, over 4 years). The radiators still need new trim and we need to replace one of the switches for the light/ceiling fan combo. And there’s no art on the walls yet either. But… I finished a pillow!

This is the Mosaic Floor Pillow quilt design by Elizabeth Hartman. I made one of these already for Adria’s birthday but this time I followed the pattern a little more closely on the assembly of the patchwork. It worked out very well — I’m very pleased. There are a whole bunch of fabrics used from all over the place so I’m not even going to try to sit down and figure them all out. I know some people really love to track that stuff but I’m less concerned about that.
The smaller pillows are ones I got at Winners for a steal, and they match the room really well, and now I feel like the bed at least is complete. We have an enormous (and so comfortable) king-sized bed, and now with these three pillows on it, it looks a little less enormous.