Hello Interweb, I’m still here! I’ve just been kinda busy. Work is all consuming these days, but, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

Yesterday I put in about 17 hours at the office, starting at 5:30 in the morning and going until about 10:30 at night, all in the name of OCAD. But it was for a good cause — last night was the big Whodunit? Mystery Art Sale Gala Preview, and my knitted Sharp Centre for Design had been chosen to be included in the Gala’s silent auction! I got the idea for this after doing a 3D knitted letter “I” for a the poster my colleague Matt Webb designed for the new OCAD Viewbook (below). I was racking my brain what to knit for the Whodunit sale and this is what I came up with. It turned out pretty good, if not a little wobbly on it’s pipe-cleaner supported legs. No matter how I feel about it, it was definitely a hit. OCAD’s VP Finance & Administration Peter Caldwell won the bid on it and didn’t even know I had made it until he picked it up (that’s the “mystery” behind the sale). Needless to say he is very pleased and I think I scored some brownie points (he is my boss after all).

I’ve also been doing some other knitting, some more cupcakes. My mom is using them at the gift shop she works at for display. They’re also very popular there too. I’ve done a few Christmas-coloured ones as well.

I am SO looking forward to next week, because I have most of it off! Yay!! I’ve been calling it my “mental health holiday” because I have been burning the candle at both ends for so long now that I’m about to fall over dead. I had thought I could wait until Christmas for time off but I realized about a week and a half ago that there was just no way, no how, was I going to make it without a break.
I don’t really have anything overly exciting planned, although I happen to think being able to sleep in, bum around the house, catch up on some fall house keeping and knit to my heart’s content pretty darn exciting. I may also do a little Christmas shopping (I have very little to do actually) and I plan to go to the farm at some point and visit friends and family out that way. This break should make coasting until Christmas pretty manageable. Only one more sleep until vacation!
Your knitted portrait of the Sharp Centre is perfect and ingenious. I was at the gala and don’t know how I missed seeing it there. Bravo.
Super cool girly! Enjoy your staycation, you deserve it.