I’ve had the chance now to enjoy tomatoes from all the various types I have growing and I thought I’d make a few notes on them.

Probably the tomato I am least happy with in flavour is the Yellow Pear heirloom variety. It is a low-acid variety so that probably accounts for the blandish flavour, but its also not very juicy, so its not so exciting to eat. But the colour – they are just lovely. At least they’ve got looks!

The Yellow Pear tomatoes grow in clusters of 6 or 8 fruits. Its a vine-like variety that grows huge, some of mine are over 6 feet tall. I think it will continue to produce until late in the fall.

Stupice is a very old Czech variety of heirloom tomato and they are tasty little guys. I don’t think there’s anything particularly unusual about them but they are kind of heart-shaped and smaller, but they are early and abundant producers, again going long into the season. The plants for this variety are much more compact.

Black Sea Man is a big, meaty tomato. A bit later ripening than the others, but definitely a showstopper. They have a much different red to them – a more burgundy red than orange. They also seem to get that red burgundy on the bottom more than the top. Below is a sliced one, and you can see the motley colouring. Again, a really nice flavourful tomato, great for sandwiches and burgers.