Power gardening

My spring continues to be a hectic one, which makes meeting essential gardening milestones a bit of a squeeze. But this week I managed to hit some targets by cramming in a few intensive sessions between other commitments. We’ve been very lucky to have a week of lovely weather, bookended by weekends of the same….

Garden Freckles

Freckles lettuce My garden, or what’s been planted in it so far, is chugging right along. I’ve got lettuces, spinach, radishes, carrots, beets and some chard and kale in the ground in the backyard beds, but these are mixed in terms of success. The backyard beds get less sun than the front yard, so this…

It’s that time of year again

I’m still in the thinking/planning stages of my garden for this year, but very soon I’ll start my seedlings. I have a terrible habit of starting them far too early, and then end up with gargantuan plants that I awkwardly jostle around in the house for weeks until it’s safe to move them outdoors. So…

Welcome spring…officially

Today was the first full day of spring, and while we’ve been experiencing beautiful, warm late-spring weather all week, surfing around 19°C most of the week, I can’t help but think Mother Nature has a cruel sense of humor when she gives us working stiffs these cool, near freezing weekends. While I would love to…


I took this shot a few weeks ago when my tomato harvest was peaking. Ahh the good ‘ol days. The big orange ones in the middle are Goldie – and they are beauties. I’m actually still getting a few of those off the vine. They’re a later variety. The big pinky one just above those…

I has carrots!

And beets, and tomatoes, and kohlrabi, and…and…and… The garden is really coming into it’s own. The tomatoes have been staked and I’ve already picked two! That’s right, two tomatoes and it’s only July 6th. They’re Stupice, a Czech heirloom variety that I grew last year and are known to be spectacularly early. They’re a smaller…

Let there be life!

After only a week I have a gazillion tomato seedlings! Oh and okra too. The only thing that hasn’t popped up yet are any of the chiles, but that’s not surprizing, as they tend to take quite a bit longer to germinate. Now the big question is, where will I put them all once they…