For the love of beer

Because of the meds I’m on to treat my rheumatoid arthritis, I’ve pretty much backed off drinking completely, although I do still indulge in a beer once in a while. If you’re a regular reader of my blog you already know that Chris and I adore craft beer (have I mentioned he’s working on a…

Brewing Day, and what to do with spent grain

Chris has recently taken up brewing again. He used to do it back before I met him, but he stopped because of how much work it is, and especially when you’re bottling it. Now he’s able to brew and keg the beer, and since we have a keg fridge, it’s a lot less headache. Our…

Taking it national baby!

Our love of craft beer has made Canada’s national newspaper! We’re featured on the cover of the Life section of today’s Globe and Mail for our (possibly obsessive) beer run to Madison, Wisconsin last summer, to bring home kegs of New Glarus beer (Belgian Red and Raspberry Tart to be exact) for our wedding last fall….

Nostalgia… beer drinking socks

One year after trying to make SpillyJane Knit’s Socks with Pints On for Chris the first time, I  attempted them again, this time with lots of mods to try make the damn things fit Chris’s weirdly wide feet. The pattern is available here. I would deem my effort mostly successful. Firstly, I increased the needle…

We love Madison!

A couple weeks ago our friends Cass and Liz and Chris and I all piled into our Jetta wagon and headed on an epic road trip to Madison Wisconsin. Why Madison you say? Well. Wisconsin only has some of the best craft beer in the world. And we had a plan to get our hands…

Sick puppy and some knitting FAIL (and success)

After an epic holiday party on Saturday night at the home of Ecoholic with great friends, great food and great tunes, Chris and I expected to get down to business on Sunday and get this attic insulated already. All the weather reports suggested the conditions would be precipitation-free, but we woke up, hungover, to discover…

Our next beer pilgrimage: New Glarus

On our way back from Wabakimi this year Chris and I took the long route home via the south shore of Lake Superior, specifically so we could hit the northern tip of Wisconsin and score some Belgian Red, what Chris calls the best beer he has ever had. It was a marathon drive with really…

Keg fridges: not just for frat boys

Last weekend we had a group of friends up to the cottage to welcome the first weekend of spring. No cottage weekend is complete without beer, and Chris used the opportunity to do a little upgrading. A couple of years ago we came into possession of a keg fridge for our home. Cass, one of…