For the love of beer

Because of the meds I’m on to treat my rheumatoid arthritis, I’ve pretty much backed off drinking completely, although I do still indulge in a beer once in a while. If you’re a regular reader of my blog you already know that Chris and I adore craft beer (have I mentioned he’s working on a project to convert a freezer into his new keg fridge? A story for another post!). We went all the way to Madison Wisconsin last summer to buy kegs of New Glarus Belgian Red and Raspberry Tart to serve at our wedding, for instance. Having to give up beer almost  entirely has not been easy, but its been almost a year and I’m used to it now.

I’ve just started watching this documentary, For the Love of Beer, all about the women of the [American] craft beer world, and it’s quite good. I’m watching it while I work out so I’m not finished it yet, but it’s making me yearn for the good old days when I could drink all I wanted in a sitting. Sigh. (It also makes me want to go back to Portland!) But I guess from a glass-half-full perspective, when I do pour myself a pint, that baby is oh-so-sweet. If anything, I’ve become even more of a snob about my beer, because if I’m going to break the fast, it better be worth it. Enjoy!