This post is a bit late in coming. I call it Baby Burrito Quilt because it was a gift for my friend Angie Griffith, who was referred to her baby belly as a baby burrito. Baby burrito was born a little over a month ago now, but I’ve just gotten around to publishing these photos.

I wanted to make this quilt without buying a whole bunch of new fabric. I took some creative math but I managed to use up almost all my remaining stash of “My Happy Garden” fabric by designer Michelle Engel Bencsko of Cloud9 Fabrics.

The rest is made up of a mix of miscellaneous fabric and Kona solids. I’m very pleased with how it turned out.

The back had to be pieced together to have enough coordinating fabric to do the job.

The quilt was a hit of course, and I even have a wee bit of “My Happy Garden” left. I’ll likely need to combine it with something else to make another baby-sized quilt. I’m already shopping around for more Cloud9 fabric. It took some work but I’ve found a couple Canadian online stores that carry their lines… so dangerous on the pocket book!