So… I kinda screwed up. The kitchen cabinets were installed last week, and it soon became clear that something was wrong. See those cabinets? Do they look pink to you? Yeah. I thought so too. And so did Chris. And so we found ourselves at Ikea on Saturday morning looking at their display of cabinet options, side by side by side, and realizing that I had told our contractor to order a particular cabinet when I had in my head a different one. That was back at the beginning of August. Yeah. BAD.
The implications of this could have been really far reaching. Our cabinet maker is doing some custom mouldings and a few custom parts for the kitchen, as well as custom cabinetry for the living room area that is going to be painted to match the kitchen cabinets. Yeeeahhh. Let’s just say there were tears and a lot of panicking going on over the weekend.
But you know what? Ikea is awesome. Yes, I said that. They have AWESOME customer service. And my contractor? Well he’s pretty damn awesome too. And our cabinet maker? He was JUST about to start painting, so we caught him just in time to make a change to the paint colour that needs to match.
Because Ikea’s base cabinets are all the same, all we have to do is exchange the facings (doors, drawer fronts, exposed side panels). We’ll have to buy some new panels that were cut to fill some spots, but that cost will be negligible.
I was so embarrassed, and I am terribly hard on myself when I screw up such big things. But, it all worked out and everything will be okay. And I can rest assured I’m going to love my kitchen because the cabinets will be right. If we had waited a moment longer to say something, we would have been too late to fix it without incurring a great deal more expense and creating more delays. Yay! I suppose, in this enormous renovation, something like this was bound to happen at some point. Thank goodness it was a relatively straightforward fix, though I don’t doubt that there’s at least one guy over at my house cursing me just a little bit, because he has to redo his good work. Sorry guys!
I should take them some cookies.

Our floors are all in and what we saw before they got covered up to protect them is gorgeous. I adore the wood floor we chose. I can’t wait to see how it looks on the main floor — we have so far only really seen it exposed in the basement, where it looks spectacular.

Our custom kitchen island should arrive this week, so that should give us a good idea of how the main floor feels with more furniture in place. Trim was delivered last week so I expect that should start going on very soon, and Chris and I need to figure out our door hardware and hinges this weekend.

Some temporary light bulbs are in place now so when we go there in the evenings we can properly see the rooms. I bought some of our lighting about 3 weeks ago while shopping with my Mom, so next weekend we’ll head to the farm and pick that up so that it can be installed.

We’re around 2.5 to 3 weeks away from move-in! I can’t wait. Have I said that enough times yet? I’m so ready.