We’re back from an amazing trip to Norway (well, at least, I am — Chris unfortunately had to ship off to San Francisco immediately upon our return for a work conference). Lots of stories and photos to come! For now I’m trying to beat the jet lag and get back into the rhythm of work/life again. This is challenged by the extraordinary heat and humidity here that I’ve lost my acclimatization to. In Norway after all, our average daily temperature was around 18 degrees! I was wearing jeans most of the time for goodness sake. Needless to say it’s taking some time to readjust.

I was able to spend a couple hours wrestling back control of my garden on Sunday afternoon, and giving everything a desperately needed soaking, but there is still much work to be done. Why is it that while the grass dies and my flowers shrivel, the weeds thrive?
Great shot! The humidity has been killer hasn’t it. It’s too bad we can’t have dry heat… that I could handle 🙂