I know after all those posts last week I’ve kind of disappeared again this week, but it’s because I bit off a bit more than I could chew with the canning and the sewing this week. Bought a bushel of roma tomatoes on Monday and set to work making tomato sauce, and holy cow was that a nutty thing to do. NEVER AGAIN ON A WEEKNIGHT. A bushel is a lot of tomatoes. I got 11 litres of sauce out of them, and that was after draining off a lot of water in the hopes to make it a thicker sauce than last year’s.
And then there were the two baskets of peaches sitting on my counter since Sunday, waiting to become peach salsa. So that was Tuesday night’s project. Almost 5 litres of salsa right there.
Last night I tried to take apart my sewing machine’s tension knob and basically drove myself into a tizzy because I couldn’t get it to go back together right. I was ready to check myself into a psych ward by the time I gave up and walked away. I later found a tension repair manual for download for $5 and a schematic for my sewing machine online for free. So we’ll see what tonight brings in the sewing machine repair department.
In the meantime, here is a snapshot of some of my canning adventures from earlier in August: pickled beets from my garden, pickled onions made from pearl onions I found in the grocery store at the cottage near Haliburton, and pickled dilled beans:

Yum Yum Yum!
Did I mention my right arm/wrist are shot? Tendinitis and repetitive strain injury through the roof.