While it’s so early in the growing season that I really don’t have much planted outdoors yet, just some onions, potatoes and garlic that was planted last year, we’ve had virtually drought conditions all winter and early spring. But finally, yesterday, the heavens opened and it’s been pouring ever since. We need at least a good week of this weather to put things back in proper spring balance, I think.

I’ve drafted my planting map for my two raised beds. I’ve had to pretty much write off my regular beds along the house this year because of some serious waterproofing work we need to do. They’ll never be quite the same beds again afterward, because they need to be set up with proper gravel drainage at the sections closest to the house, but I’ll make do. I’m welcoming the opportunity to replant them again with some kind of “master plan” as the perennial section has become a bit of a hodgepodge, due to my lack of experience.

What will really be a bummer is that most of the bulbs, unless I can salvage them, will take a serious hit. The front beds were planted years and years ago with gazillions of bulbs, by Chris’s aunt, and as a result they are always a welcome cacophony of colour every spring. Hopefully I can get in there during the digging and retrieve them.

I’ve stuck a few potatoes in the raised beds, along with some red onions and shallots. I managed to get them in last night in a break in the rain. I also want to plant a second crop of garlic but I’m not sure where to put it. They might have to go into pots in the backyard this year.

My seedlings in the house are doing well. Many of my “mystery chili” have come up, thank goodness, because I only harvested two last year due to the horrible weather conditions. Here’s hoping for a great summer for growing chilies!