I finally made some headway in addressing a backlog of Ravelry stash updates, and downloaded about 4Gs of photos into Aperture over the last couple evenings. The photos are from all sorts of events and happenings, but I’ve been extraordinarily negligent lately of managing my Ravelry stuff, which is very unlike me. Have I mentioned that I’m a Virgo? Maybe it’s more correct to say that lately I’m a Virgo in recovery…
The above photo is a mixture of stuff I picked up at the Textile Museum of Canada’s annual “More than Just a Yardage Sale,” which I attended for the first time ever. It happens annually, each May. It was pretty good. I’d definitely go again. I went on the Friday (first day of the sale) over my lunch and it was a busy spot. I can’t imagine what it’s like on the weekend. They do keep bringing out new stuff so it pays to go back I think. The quilting fabric and the two cones, both a scratchy fibre, probably wool, are both from the sale. I think the yarn would be useful for some kind of rug or wall hanging, but its far to rough for anything wearable. The Twilley’s of Stamford Freedom Spirit I picked up at Yarn Forward in Ottawa, and the Patons Angora Bamboo and Araucania Ranco Multy came from Knit-Knackers, a little shop tucked away on James Street in Ottawa (you feel a bit like you’re breaking into someone’s house going in the door because there is literally no signage to indicate that it’s the right place).

This week I went to Fabricland to get some fabric dye, and I stumbled into their huge inventory sale! I had just finished a second quilt project (post coming soon) and so I’m ready to get some more/better fabric and try out some other ideas (okay, I don’t have any ideas yet but I was still totally inspired with the yummy colours). I got some fabulous fabrics, including that gorgeous plum batik, and lots of beads. Oh and the fabric dye. That’s for some white Ikea curtains I purchased for $20 that need hemming. They need to be dyed because they’ll be functioning as curtain doors to the cottage bedrooms and will be handled frequently. I couldn’t pass up the cheap price, and they should be no problem to dye down to a green colour.

I just had to show the lovely Araucania Ranco Multy up close. Aren’t those colours fantastic?
I’m kind of disappointed in these photos however. I obviously need to learn more about shooting RAW and about how colour profiles transfer between applications. These all looked fabulous in Aperture and Photoshop, but once they were exported as JPGs and uploaded to Flickr, they look duller, less bright and vibrant. Hmmm… Lynda.com, here I come.