Well I managed to get some knitting done this past weekend, at the cottage, where it got down to MINUS THREE DEGREES on Sunday night. Sheesh. I was freaking out about my tomatoes at home because even Toronto had a risk of frost. Thankfully I was able to reach someone with a key to move my babies indoors.

I know, I know, what am I doing knitting a mitten in May? Well… when you consider how cold it was this weekend, maybe it wasn’t so inappropriate. So far I have one half of the pair finished and I must say, I’m rather pleased. Perhaps I’ve turned a corner in my disinterest in knitting?
These are Tiffany, from the Winter 2006 Knitty. I’ve had my eye on these since they came out. I’m using Cascade 220 wool for these, all from ‘The Heathers’ series. I haven’t done a lot of Fair Isle knitting before, and I have to keep working on my tension. It’s very easy to pull the colours too tightly as you move between them, resulting in puckering of the fabric. It doesn’t show too much in the photo, and I think with blocking it will reduce it even further, but I’d like to see myself get better at it.