I really have to stop now. NO MORE SEEDS. This weekend I need to get the seedlings started and I have no idea where I’ll be putting them all. I have a terrific southern facing bay window but only a tiny table in front of it. Perhaps I’ll have to temporarily pull out the 6 foot folding table. I wonder how that will go over!
In the meantime, here’s an inventory of what I’ve got on hand:
Salad Greens:
- McKenzie Seeds: Gardener’s Choice Salad Garden Collection with spinach, mesclun, and lettuce (Gabriella and Buttercrunch)
- Berton Seeds: Rocket (arugula)
- McKenzie Seeds: Spinach (King of Denmark)
- McKenzie Seeds: Lettuce (Early Curled Simpson), (Grand Rapids)
- McKenzie Seeds: Heirloom Lettuce (Red Oakleaf)

Tomatoes (all heirloom, from Terra Edibles, except where noted):
- Black Krim
- Goldie
- Hillbilly
- Harbinger
- Moneymaker
- Oxheart
- Purple Russian
- Red Currant
- Red Striped Roman
- Tigerella
- Mr. Stripey
- Deuzba
- Red Brandywine
- Black Sea Man (grown last year)
- Stupice (grown last year)
- Yellow Pear (grown last year)
- McKenzie Seeds: Sweet 100 Hybrid (grown last year)
- McKenzie Seeds: Sweet Cherry Hybrid (grown last year)
- Botanical Interests: Kale (Italian Lacinato Nero Toscana)
- Botanical Interests: Okra (Clemson Spineless)
- Botanical Interests: Pumpkin (Little October)
- Terra Edibles: Pea (Blue Pod Capuchijner)
- Terra Edibles: Squash (Yellow Scallop Summer)
- Terra Edibles: Beet (Chioggia)
- McKenzie Seeds: Beet (Ruby Queen)
- McKenzie Seeds: Radish (Cherry Belle)
- Richters: Chile Pepper (Ancho Poblano)
- Richters: Chile Pepper (Serrano)
- Unknown Red Chili – saved from seeds grown over the last few years (affectionately known as Sarah & Chris’s Favourite Chile)
- Terra Edibles: Carrot (Oxheart) – on order, hopefully to arrive in time for planting!
- Livington Seed Co.: Dill (Bouquet)
- Terra Edibles: Coriander
- Terra Edibles: Sorrel (Garden)
- Richters: Epazote
I already have sage, oregano, a few varieties of thyme, garlic and regular chives, and tarragon growing in the front beds. Usually I also buy some sweet basil and Thai basil as well as some rosemary to plant each year. I haven’t a clue how on earth I might make room for all of the above, but clearly, I’ll have lots of seeds to share with friends. Seeing this list fully written out just illustrates how crazy I really am. That’s just between you and me, of course.
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