We all have them. Those half-done crafty bits. Singleton socks. Lonely mittens. Half-done scarfs. I have the following abandoned lonely sock:

Well the good people at Toronto Craft Alert have a give-away contest underway right now to help inspire you to GET ER DONE! There are a multitude of ways to enter, including not only posting the skeletons in your craft closet to the Flickr pool, but also by finishing them! So all you crafty slackers out there, get moving! You could win some lovely paper from The Paper Place, sewing supplies, yarn (joy!), glass beads, Soak Wash, a tea cozy, a merit badge, handmade soap and so much more!! The deadline to enter is March 16.
I’m secretly hoping you WON’T enter, so I can up my chances at winning. May the crafty slacker who catches up the most, win!