Yesterday we celebrated Super Cal’s first birthday. I made him his own viking hat, from the pattern Viking Hat by Becky Veverka. I’ve been planning this hat for quite a while, knowing it was perfect and would be a hit, and I’ve had it finished for a couple months now. I was really worried it would be too big for him, by a lot, since I modified the pattern which is designed for 3 to 9 month olds, but actually its only a little bit too big, so it will fit him for a while.

I used Bernat Satin Solids yarn, which is very soft but in hindsight, not super elastic, so maybe not the best choice for a hat. I made the hat 8 stitches larger than the original design and I left off the ear flaps. I was also seriously unhappy about the original horns, especially their top-dwon, flat-worked method. Instead, I worked them in the round, bottom up, and I made them 24 stitches wide rather than 16. I also added a third “short row” (even though that isn’t what the pattern called them) and I also wrapped the stitches to try to minimize holes, but that wasn’t incredibly successful. The holes are still there, its just not that obvious because of the white stuffing material. I’m still thinking about how I could perfect this if I did the hat again.
Anyway, the hat was a hit and everyone loved it. Super Cal, who apparently isn’t really into hats, even left it on for a while!
That is super cute!