On the cusp of tomato bounty

It won’t be long now before I have tomatoes coming out of my ears. I totally welcome this, except I kinda didn’t think through the fact that I’m going to be away for the last two weeks of August, which is about when most of them will be ripening. Thankfully I have a whole crew…

Eat this Heinz!

I was watching an episode of Jamie at Home the other day and was totally inspired to make my own ketchup as a way to use up a big bag of frozen cherry and yellow pear tomatoes I had from my garden. It’s getting to be the end of the season, for real, with real…

The fruits of my labour

I’ve had the chance now to enjoy tomatoes from all the various types I have growing and I thought I’d make a few notes on them. Probably the tomato I am least happy with in flavour is the Yellow Pear heirloom variety. It is a low-acid variety so that probably accounts for the blandish flavour,…

First harvest

Last summer I cleared myself an overgrown section of the front gardens to make into a veggie plot. It was a hugely daunting task, since the approximately 12 by 6 foot plot was thickly overgrown with ivy and self-propagated day lilies. Not to mention tulip and hyacinth bulbs that had been planted there by Chris’s…