I has a shaky cam

Olympic Torch Relay comes to Bradford, Ontario from Sarah Mulholland on Vimeo. This is really the first time I’ve operated the new camera to take video. Because Chris has been working on a series of video modules for a client, he’s become an over-night expert in Final Cut Pro, so he’s now my official video…

Olympic dispirit

Late on Wednesday night I got word that Hank was going to be running in the relay today, at 2:40 p.m. in Bradford, Ontario. That’s only about 45 minutes away from Toronto so I decided to take the day off so I could go see him. I was so excited about it, not only at…

Wendy gets to carry the Olympic Torch!

I mentioned several weeks ago about our friends Hank and Wendy who are working the Olympic Torch Relay for over the course of four months, traveling all across Canada driving the Eco trucks, part of the sponsorship by RBC of the relay. We just heard that Wendy is being honoured by her team mates by…