Seed inventory

I really have to stop now. NO MORE SEEDS. This weekend I need to get the seedlings started and I have no idea where I’ll be putting them all. I have a terrific southern facing bay window but only a tiny table in front of it. Perhaps I’ll have to temporarily pull out the 6…

Flowers you could eat off of

Last year my Mom and I scouted out some perennial hibiscus plants at the St. Jacobs Farmers Market. You have have seen these show-stoppers around, they’ve become more and more popular over the last few years. They tend to come in a deep red, pinks or white with pink centres. I brought one home and…

First harvest

Last summer I cleared myself an overgrown section of the front gardens to make into a veggie plot. It was a hugely daunting task, since the approximately 12 by 6 foot plot was thickly overgrown with ivy and self-propagated day lilies. Not to mention tulip and hyacinth bulbs that had been planted there by Chris’s…