Having the plague over the holidays — once I had the energy to do more than move between bed to sofa — provided the time I’d been craving to get some sewing projects under my belt. I’d been meaning to get a quilt started for myself (or rather my baby) for months. Once I decided on a pattern and fabrics, it took a little over a day to complete.

I don’t have all the fabric designer names for this but the main feature is Zoology and Dumb Dots by Michael Miller. The solids are mostly Kona. The back is done in Dumb Dots flannel.
It was a really quick quilt mainly because the triangles are quite large at 10 inches tall and about 7.5 inches wide at the base (if I’m remembering correctly).

I did the stitching in a grey thread that complements the overall colour scheme, and a black binding to set off the contrast.
I’m totally in love with this quilt. I’d been saving the Zoology fabric for myself… and I still have some left. I’d like to get another quilt or two done for us, but I’ll have to see how everything works out with timing. I’m thinking of doing a quilted pillow, or maybe a pair, for the baby’s room, to help tie the colours together. Stay tuned!