I has a shaky cam

Olympic Torch Relay comes to Bradford, Ontario from Sarah Mulholland on Vimeo. This is really the first time I’ve operated the new camera to take video. Because Chris has been working on a series of video modules for a client, he’s become an over-night expert in Final Cut Pro, so he’s now my official video…

Fun times with DOF in video

I joined Vimeo and posted a silly little video Chris took with the new camera. It’s really of nothing. Just the cat on my lap, but I love the shallow depth of field you get with the 50mm lens. And I love how the sound of the TV in the background and the way it…

Enjoying the break but feeling off my game

I don’t know what is up with me. I think I’m pretty chilled out — I’ve been enjoying a nice week off (aside from the two meetings I had to go to at work on Tuesday and Wednesday, which were for a very good reason). But I’ve also been incredibly lazy and unmotivated, which is…