My new little baby niece Vaughn was born on August 25. I got to meet her last weekend as we celebrated her older brother’s 2nd b-day. I was able to give her the first quilt I made, finished earlier this summer in anticipation of her arrival.

She pretty much looked like this the whole time we spent with her, I think she opened her eyes for all of 10 seconds!
I made her a bunny from Last Minute Knitted Gifts, with an improvised tail. I had also made a bear from the same pattern for her big brother, so now they each have one.

We were visiting the fam with a dual purpose, to celebrate Magoo’s 2nd birthday. And boy has he hit the terrible twos! Temper tantrums interspersed with smiles and giggles on the turn of a dime! Boy do my brother and sister-in-law have their hands full now!

Now that it’s been gifted, I can post the first quilt I made. This is from the same pattern as the one I posted about a month ago.

I think it turned out pretty good. I do feel it has a bit too much white but for a first quilt I’m really happy with it. Not sure yet what the next quilting project will be but I need to spend some time working on my machine before I attempt a new project. I took apart the tension knob after experiencing wildly varying tension and not being able to adjust it back to something reasonable. And then I put it back together wrong. I found a guy online who sold a manual for fixing it, but I haven’t yet had time to sit down and take on the task. Hopefully it will work. ‘Cause if not, it has to go into the shop.